Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I did a little sewing for my self!!

Hi it's been a while for me and my blog. Things keep me hopping here. With my DA and DU.
Uncle Al is going into a home next week. It's just getting to much to take care of him . I will still have My Aunt to TAKE CARE OF. BUT IT SHOULD BE A LOT EASIER. AL IS A BIG MAN AND IT'S SO HARD TO HAND HIM. HE IS IN BED MOST OF THE TIME. This is a photo of a little bag I won at my Tops meeting last week. I lost the most! I needed a book to keep my notes and #'s lost in . So I covered a small journal book that will fit in the bag with other things I need to take. By the way I lost 6 #'s last week!!! I was the big loser for the week!! I don't think that will be the case this Friday at the meeting with the 4th and then out to lunch at Applebee's this week!!!
I am hoping to get some sewing done but who knows around here what will happen next???



Yeah! Congratulations on your loss and your prize!

limpingalong said...

Congratulations on your loss!