Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring here in Florida

It's Spring here and everything is starting to bloom and leaf out. I thought it was Spring all winter. Compared to Nebraska winters. It was nice here. I can tell it's Spring by my allergies. It's time to pop the pills!!
I love the 60 something days and cool night this time of year.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

# 9? done

finally # 9 is done. This one I have put together 3 ways and ripped it out.
I have six fans in each row and a row left over . So that row will be my next UFO . I will make it into some thing. What I am not sure of yet? So stay tuned to this sight. It's 62" x 89". I am going to bind it with the red. It will be nice next Christmas when it's quilted.