Saturday, March 1, 2008

How I Made My Tea Wallet

This is how I made my tea wallet

You need 4 rectangles of fabric-41/2" by 71/2"

1 rectangle of thin cotton batting-41/2"by 71/2"

1 thin elastic pony tail holder to match fabric

1 button to match

Take one rec. of fabric and place on batting face up for in side

Take 2 rec. for the pockets and press in
1/2 long ways will be 21/2" by 71/2"

Take one of the folded pieces and lay on top of the in side fabric with the folded edge to the bottom. Stitch a 1/4" seam a crossed the raw edge, flip up to the top and press

Take the 2ed folded rectangle of fabric and line up the bottom raw edges with the bottom of in side

Stitch down the center to make pockets

Pin pony tail band in place with it going to the in side on the edge

Take the last 41/2" by 71/2" rectangle and place it face down on top of the pockets

Sew all a round it leaving a opening to turn it right side out.

Whip stitch it closed and top stitch it all the way a round the out side edge

Sew button to the front.

If you have a ? let me know

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